Exhibition “Rétrospective Hommage”

Figurative Painter, who has captured the sensuality of femininity in his paintings since 1976, against the abstract artistic mainstream of that time. Honorary Retrospective Exhibition of Ramón Lombarte at Brigit Art Gallery, Opens on May 2, 2024 18:00.
Ramón Lombarte

Ramon Lombarte has recorded the final days of this theatre, has painted the people -performers and public -who lived for the theatre. In the last years there were only a few who still sat in the darkness to watch the scantily dressed dancers.
Alex De Azúa

Young artist born in Spain in t 1996. He develops an energetic and colorful painting inspired by the Caribbean and Africa, where he spent part of his childhood.
Héctor Villarroel, Argo Navis

Valentin Kovatchev, Infinity

Héctor Villarroel, Landscape Variations

Secrets de Roses

Héctor Villarroel

When he creates a painting, shades and hues transit to new paintings.
Todor Todorov

Todor Todorov is a Bulgarian sculptor. He completed his masters at National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and graduated in 1977. Since 1975 he has primarily produced large scale works in the area of public sculpture and elemental sculpture.
Paintings of the artist “Ramon Lombarte