exhibition starting

05/03/2020 - 15:00


exhibition starting

01/02/2020 - 15:00


exhibition starting

28/11/2019 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures

exhibition starting

03/10/2019 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures

BRIGIT Art Gallery has the please to invite you to the Collective Exhibition “Allégorie”. Starting this October 3rd till October 27th.

exhibition starting

01/06/2019 - 15:00


The Peruvian painter Cuco Morales exhibits for the first time in Brussels. His solo exhibition “The soul of the tree / L’âme de l’arbre”

exhibition starting

04/05/2019 - 15:00


About seven months after his previous exhibition in Brussels, Bulgarian artist Valentin Kovatchev returns here at the invitation of BRIGIT gallery. His exceptional show

exhibition starting

14/03/2019 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures, design

BRIGIT Art Gallery has the please to invite you to the Collective Exhibition “Vol de Nuit”. Starting this March 14th till April 28th.

exhibition starting

06/12/2018 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures, design, printings

BRIGIT art gallery has the please to invite you to the New Year’s Collective Exhibition. Starting this December 6th till 16th and back on

exhibition starting

01/11/2018 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures

Art retains the memory of a great beauty.

exhibition starting

03/10/2018 - 15:00

paintings, sculptures, printings

Art retains the memory of a great beauty.