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Elena Gonzalez

Elena Gonzalez 1

Elena grows paradoxes: musical instruments of female sex versus harmonious bodies of women, voluptuous women versus matrons, sad gestures coupled with hopeful expressions, heavy volumes coupled with light forms…

Cuco Morales

Cuco Morales 2

José Antonio “Cuco” Morales Velit was born in Lima, Peru in 1956. He trained professionally in arts at the Equipe School and in Art and Communications at the University of Sao Paulo – Brazil. Then he returns to Peru, where he studied drawing in the workshop of Cristina Galvez.


Faraco 4

Her characters sometimes approach our ear to whisper a wish, a feeling, a secret or simply with their looks we become complices of their world.

Todor Todorov

Todor Todorov 5

Todor Todorov is a Bulgarian sculptor. He completed his masters at National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and graduated in 1977. Since 1975 he has primarily produced large scale works in the area of public sculpture and elemental sculpture.

Chantal Maskens

Chantal Maskens 9

Painter and cartoonist of characters, nudes and portraits. Represents with a strange sensuality almost mythical characters, because unreal in the real, out of time although perfectly current. Love the great figures of women with extravagant outfits, voluminous hats and huge and smoky waters.

Angel Barrero

Angel Barrero 10

Angel Barrero specialized in various techniques regarding the art of “Scagliola”. Ha has been working with renowned artists in France, Spain, Italy and finally in Belgium.