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Philippe Brodzki

Philippe Brodzki 7

Philippe Brodzki is formed in sculpture, ceramics and drawing at Brussel, Krakow and Düsseldorf – where he was hosted in the 70’s by Marcel Broodthaers, and where he had a formation at the academy with another great one: Joseph Beuys.

Valentin Kovatchev

Valentin Kovatchev 8

Artist, curator, professor, editor and gallery owner, has been committed for decades to the creation, editing and promotion of contemporary artists, by participating in art fairs and biennials, as well as in various projects, both on a national and international level.

Halil Faik

Halil Faik 9

The silhouettes are clean, graceful, often slender and elegant lightness, but it also happens that the shapes and contours reach fullness irresistibly inviting to touch and caress.